Come out for Free Comic Book Day! In addition to FREE comics, we'll be having a store-wide sale:
30% off: New Comics, All Graphic Novels, TPBs, Hard Covers, All D&D Books and Dice
15% off: All Card Game Singles, Board/Miniatures Games, and Comic & Gaming Supplies
10% off: Back Issues, CGC Books & Wall Books
15% off: Pokemon, Yugioh, and MTG Sealed Boxes and Booster Packs
Because of our sale, this means our Saturday Morning Pokemon and Saturday Commander events will be cancelled this day only. Our Saturday Yugioh tournament will still happen like normal at 6pm.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: May 5
D&D Miniature Paint Night- Rescheduled to Thursday, May 5th
Later Event: May 10
Yugioh Back to Duel